Alberta Launches Sites

These are the current rocket launch sites in Alberta organized by launch classification.
These sites include Model-Rocket, Mid-Power and High-Power launch locations.
The information on each site includes directions, permissible motor classes and altitude ceilings.  

Launch Site Motor Classifications

Model-Rocket Launch Sites

Unless otherwise specified, Model or Low-Powered rocket launch sites are generally restricted to A - D class motors. These motors are limited to a maximum of 20 N-s impulse. Expected altitudes using these motors is generally less than 300m/1,000ft.

Big Marlborough Park

Marlborough Park

Marlborough Park is a model rocket launch site within the City of Calgary, limited to A - D class motors. It is used for scheduled events, for CAR/ACF members, by the Calgary Rocketry club.

Marlborough Park  



Model rocket launches are hosted by the Airdrie Space Science Club at the C.W. Perry School. Model rockets flown at this field are limited to A - E class motors, with a total impulse of less than 40 N-s, and a maximum altitude of 360m/1,200 ft.


Mid-Power Launch Sites

Mid-powered rockets can use E - G class motors of up to 160 N-s impulse. These can provide for flights with altitudes up to 1,000m/3,000ft. Certification is not required to fly mid-powered motors in Canada.



The Dalroy location is a Mid-power launch site a short drive East of the City of Calgary. Events there are hosted by the Calgary Rocketry club.




The Rosebud location is a Mid-power launch site a short drive East of the City of Calgary near the towm of Rosebud. Sheduled events there are hosted by the Calgary Rocketry club.




High-Power Launch Sites

The ability to fly High-powered rockets in Canada is governed by a 4-Level certification process overseen by the Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR). The motors a flyer is eligible to use is based on their current certification Level. Membership in CAR (or an affiliate organization such as Tripoli) is required to participate in High-Powered launches in Canada.



This High-power Launch takes place each Spring at a site about 30km North-East of Hanna, Alberta. The event is hosted by the Calgary Rocketry club.




The Fall Fire High-power launch is held each Fall near the town of Kitscoty, Alberta. The event is hosted by the Saskatoon Rocketry Society.


Rock Lake

Rock Lake

The Rock Lake launch is a high-power event held near Wrentham, Alberta every June. The event is hosted by the Lethbridge Rocketry Association.

Rock Lake   

Sullivan Lake

Sullivan Lake

The Sullivan Lake launch is a high-power event held near Wrentham, Alberta every September. The event is hosted by the Calgary Rocketry club.

Sullivan Lake  



The Fire and Ice High-power Launch takes place each winter a few kilometers East of Viking, Alberta. The event is hosted by the Edmonton Rocketry club.
