Alberta Launches Sites
These are the current rocket launch sites in Alberta organized by launch classification.
These sites include Model-Rocket, Mid-Power and High-Power launch locations.
The information on each site includes directions, permissible motor classes
and altitude ceilings.
Launch Site Motor Classifications
Model Rockets: A - D
Mid-Power Rockets: E - G
High-Power Rockets: H - O
Model-Rocket Launch Sites
Unless otherwise specified, Model or Low-Powered rocket launch sites are generally restricted to A - D class motors. These motors are limited to a maximum of 20 N-s impulse. Expected altitudes using these motors is generally less than 300m/1,000ft.

Marlborough Park
Marlborough Park is a model rocket launch site within the City of Calgary, limited to A - D class motors. It is used for scheduled events, for CAR/ACF members, by the Calgary Rocketry club.
Mid-Power Launch Sites
Mid-powered rockets can use E - G class motors of up to 160 N-s impulse. These can provide for flights with altitudes up to 1,000m/3,000ft. Certification is not required to fly mid-powered motors in Canada.

The Dalroy location is a Mid-power launch site a short drive East of the City of Calgary. Events there are hosted by the Calgary Rocketry club.
High-Power Launch Sites
The ability to fly High-powered rockets in Canada is governed by a 4-Level certification process overseen by the Canadian Association of Rocketry (CAR). The motors a flyer is eligible to use is based on their current certification Level. Membership in CAR (or an affiliate organization such as Tripoli) is required to participate in High-Powered launches in Canada.

This High-power Launch takes place each Spring at a site about 30km North-East of Hanna, Alberta. The event is hosted by the Calgary Rocketry club.

Rock Lake
The Rock Lake launch is a high-power event held near Wrentham, Alberta every June. The event is hosted by the Lethbridge Rocketry Association.